Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rochelle's Loc Journey Begins!

Hello All!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving day and are enjoying the Thanksgiving week-end. I am still stuffed and am done with turkey for a bit...well until Christmas Lol! Actually we (cousin and a few friends) had Turducken and it was DELICIOUS!!!! But I digress this post isn't about how I gorged myself on Thanksgiving but to celebrate the birth of my friend and business partner's locs!!!!! She had them installed by Kari Williams at Mahogany Revolution Hair salon here in LA and I think she looks fantastic!!! She colored her hair before the process and the technique used to start her locs were interlocking (for more details you can check out her consultation on my YouTube channel MsKPJ). Also due to a weave accident, a small section (very small) were aided by loc extensions. I am so happy and excited for Rochelle as she begins her journey.


  1. yay too interlocking!! she is lovely and her locs only help compliment her beauty! congrats on business and beauty sistas! love it!

  2. Please post updates on her progress from time to time. Would love to see it.
